Code of conduct
Code of conduct
This Code of conduct supports ARMARHEALTHCARE to apply the National Standards for Disability Services, in particular Standard 6: Service Management.
ARMARHEALTHCARE is committed to best practice in all aspects of service delivery. This Code of conduct supports the people who work with us and empowers people with disability in relation to their rights.
This Code of conduct outlines ARMARHEALTHCARE’s expectations for the standards of behaviour and conduct expected from paid staff, contractors, volunteers or business partners. They are expected to be familiar with the Code and use it always. It applies in all circumstances and at all times including when working or otherwise representing ARMARHEALTHCARE.
The Code of conduct forms part* of/ supports the ARMARHEALTHCARE’s Contract of Employment or Contract for Services. This Code is owned by the Board.
- All staff listed above are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. They must be honest and fair in dealings with people with disability and their families, carers, co-workers, management and the general public.
- Staff must treat everyone with respect and not discriminate against people based on disability, cultural background, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, union membership or non-membership.
- Staff should not behave in any way that might offend or embarrass another person.
- Staff should respect company property. This includes use of funds, equipment, technology, records and confidential information.
- They must respect the information of others and keep information confidential while working at ARMARHEALTHCARE and afterwards into the future.
- No staff is to upload, download, use, retrieve or access any materials which are deemed inappropriate and/or offensive. This includes, but is not limited to content that is sexual or illegal, copyrighted or defamatory.
- Staff need to ensure their appearance is neat and tidy.
- If a staff is late or cannot report for work, they must telephone and let the appropriate supervisor or manager know as soon as possible.
- If a staff is required to leave the work premises for personal reasons they should advise their manager by telephone as soon as possible.
- Staff must not use work time for private gain. They must ensure all personal activities including phone calls and meetings are arranged outside of working hours. Managers need to be advised if staff receive a gift. Anything over the value of $20 must be refused or donated to a registered charity. Staff must not seek gifts or benefits in relation to your work.
- While employed at ARMARHEALTHCARE, staff cannot work in a paid or unpaid capacity for any another person or organisation without prior approval from management.
- Staff must not make any statements to the media or on social media about ARMARHEALTHCARE’s Requests for statements should be referred to management.
- Staff must not use any form of physical or verbal abuse in the workplace. Do not use inappropriate language in the workplace.
- They must not perform work in circumstances where there is a risk to your safety or which may compromise the health or safety of others. Report any workplace risks to ARMARHEALTHCARE as soon as possible.
- Staff must not smoke during working hours unless it is during prescribed breaks and within designated areas.
Leadership and management
- Managers and supervisors should ensure team members are familiar with the Code and that they have sufficient skills, knowledge and ability to meet the requirements.
- Managers and supervisors should lead by example and not condone, permit, or fail to report any suspected breaches of the Code.
- In the event of a suspected breach, staff must maintain confidentiality and limit information sharing during grievances and disputes.
- They should ensure support is available to all parties during an investigation process.
Legal requirements
- All staff must be truthful in all declarations they make and comply with all laws, policies, procedures, rules, regulations, contracts and all lawful and reasonable directions from ARMARHEALTHCARE.
- Any violations of law, ethical principles, policies and this Code of conduct must be promptly reported to management.
Staff who breach this Code or break the law may be subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment or contract for service.
Organisations seeking to use this template should seek independent legal advice whether the code of conduct is a condition of contract.
Date of approval: [13/01/23]
Date of review: [13/01/24]
Signature of management: