Complaints policy
Complaints policy
Policy statement
ARMAR HEALTHCARE values complaints from people with disability, families, carers, service providers and regulators to ensure people are treated fairly when they use our services.
Complaints are an important source of information and are used to improve our services wherever possible.
This policy supports ARMAR HEALTHCARE to apply the National Standards for Disability Services, in particular Standard 4: Feedback and Complaints.
This policy applies to all staff, contractors, volunteers or business partners. This policy is owned by the Board.
- Everyone has the right to complain.
- People making complaints should be supported to access complaints processes.
- Complaints processes should be sensitive to any cultural requirements.
- Robust complaints processes and systems are an important part of quality service management and help safeguard people with disability.
- Complaints identify risks to people with disability but also visitors and staff and support ARMAR HEALTHCARE to meet its occupational health and safety obligations.
- Complaints identify opportunities for ARMAR HEALTHCARE to continuously improve its services.
Allegation – a claim that an illegal act has occurred. Allegations are always investigated and sometimes an external authority undertakes the investigation such as the police.
Concern – a notification that a person is worried that something is not working, has gone wrong or is otherwise not as it should be.
Complaint – formal advice that an incident has occurred, something is not working the way it should, something is inappropriate or someone is at risk. A serious incident process is required for legal and contractual purposes when a complaint is about a serious incident.
Related policy and procedures
- Continuous improvement policy
- Code of conduct
- Safeguarding policy
- Complaints policy
Related legislation and policy
- Carers Recognition Act 2010
- Disability Services Act 1986
- Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1987
- Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991
- National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013: Principles.
- United Nations Convention on The Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- National Standards for Disability Services
- National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguarding Framework
Date of approval: [13/01/23]
Date of review: [13/01/24]
Signature of management: