Direct Health Support Policy
Direct Health Support Policy
This policy in general in nature and is provided as a guide only. Please check for any changes to terms of business or instructions issued.
Organisations that need to apply any of the supplementary practice standards within the NDIS will need to ensure include additional requirements outlined in the supplementary practice standards in this policy.
Policy statement
This policy is used to guide staff on acceptable practices for providing direct health-related supports to people with disability.
This policy outlines how ARMAR HEALTHCARE supports the direct health needs of people with disability using ARMAR HEALTHCARE services. Direct health supports provided by ARMAR HEALTHCARE include [list health related services].
This policy applies to all staff including permanent and casual, contract workers, temporary agency workers, and volunteers. This policy is owned by the Board.
- ARMAR HEALTHCARE will comply with the Practice Standards of the NDIS.
- People can access the most appropriate supports that meet their needs, goals and preferences.
- People accessing services have the right to expect that they are safe and ARMAR HEALTHCARE is responsive to their needs.
- Medical support needs must be prescribed by a qualified doctor and all processes must be documented and authorised by a doctor.
- All supports are provided in a way that promotes, upholds and respects legal and human rights.
- Direct health supports for people with disability must be provided by trained, skilled and competent staff.
- Training for specific direct health supports must be provided by a suitably qualified person.
- Supports are provided in ways that respect a person’s dignity and right to privacy.
Key actions/procedures
When a person first uses ARMAR HEALTHCARE services, information about any medical supports will be added to the person’s service record. This includes information about the type of support, process, frequency, dosage and any other relevant information.
The service agreement will include instructions on regular and timely reviews by a qualified health practitioner and identity how risks, incidents and emergencies will be managed.
ARMAR HEALTHCARE will collaborate with each participant in the development of the service agreement and support the person to understand the agreement and any conditions (using the person’s preferred mode of communication).
Any instructions on how to provide the direct health support must also be kept with the medication/equipment and on the person’s file.
The Manager for the relevant service is responsible for ensuring the staff providing the support are trained and competent to provide the relevant health support.
A written record of training is required and will be stored on the staff file. A staff member must not provide health-related supports that they are not trained to provide.
ARMAR HEALTHCARE maintains a data-base of trained staff and the direct health supports they are trained to provide.
All workers responsible for administering health supports must understand the effects and side effects of any medications and the steps to take in the event of an incident involving medication.
If a trained staff person is unavailable, ARMAR HEALTHCARE will support the person to seek medical services such as a nurse or doctor.
Where ARMAR HEALTHCARE provides high intensity daily personal care, ARMAR HEALTHCARE will comply with NDIS Practice standards. This includes delete any services that are not provided by ARMAR HEALTHCARE .
Direct health supports provided by ARMAR HEALTHCARE includes
- complex bowel care
- enteral feeding and management
- tracheostomy management
- urinary catheter management
- ventilator management
- subcutaneous injections
- complex wound care
If a person accessing ARMAR HEALTHCARE services develops/acquires a new health condition that requires ongoing health support, the person will be required to undertake a health needs assessment by a qualified medical professional before the ARMAR HEALTHCARE can provide health supports.
If a person uses multiple service providers, the provider undertaking the support coordination role on behalf of the participant is responsible for ensuring all providers work collaboratively in supporting the person. For people with complex needs, a written agreement may be needed to document how, where and when the person will be supported and this must be signed by all service providers who support the person.
Any mistake or error in providing direct health supports must be reported immediately using Incident Management Policy.
Related Policies
- Medications Policy
- Incident Management Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Privacy Policy
- Transport Policy
Related legislation and standards
- Carers Recognition Act 2010
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Disability Services Act 1986
- Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1987
- Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991
- United Nations Convention on The Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- National Standards for Disability Services
- National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
- NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Practice Standards 2018
Date of approval: [13/01/23]
Date of review: [13/01/24]
Signature of management: