Management of Medication Policy
Management of Medication
1.0 Purpose
Armar Healthcare is committed to providing a high standard of care and excellence in supports and service. Armar Healthcare participants may take medications to support and improve their health conditions. Many participants will manage and take their medications independently, while others may ask for some form of support or assistance.
2.0 Scope
For this commitment to be achieved Armar Healthcare ’s Director is responsible for ensuring that all medications are correctly managed in accordance with this policy.
We will also correctly supervise the management of documentation; safe/secure storage and handling; safe support or administration by appropriately trained, qualified or certified Staff.
3.0 Policy
Armar Healthcare encourages participants to maintain their independence for as long as possible, including managing their medications safely and effectively. Where a participant requests help with their medications, the nature of this help will be recorded in detail and the participant's consent confirmed. Armar Healthcare has processes for the reporting and investigation of medication errors.
Participants, carers and advocates can be confident that Armar Healthcare will ensure quality outcomes for its participants through a safe and correct medication management policy.
This policy follows the twelve (12) Guiding Principles for Medication Management in the Community, developed by the Australian Pharmaceutical Advisory Council (June 2006 updated January 2012).
4.0 Definition
5.0 Roles & Responsibilities
- Has policies and procedures in place for medication administration, storage, errors and incidents
- Will provide the necessary training to Staff, which includes the effects and side-effects of medications and the safe and secure methods for medication storage, in addition to medication safety
- Will document support Staff levels of skill and knowledge of medication safety, storage and administration through a yearly competency assessment
- Ensures trained support Staff are available to perform tasks that are within their knowledge, skills and experience
- Issues clear instructions (with the participant’s consent) that outlines steps required to help the participant with their medication. These instructions will include, but are not limited to:
- Medication name and strength, where applicable
- Form of medication, e.g. Tablets, suppositories, liquid
- Dose, route, frequency
- Allergies/adverse drug reactions participant is aware of
- Prescriber's name printed on medication, date and signature.
- Ensure Staff follow professional guidelines in the delivery of medications.
6.0 Procedure
Armar Healthcare will (with the participant, carer or advocate's consent) liaise with the family or support network, general practitioner, pharmacist, registered nurse or an enrolled nurse to clarify aspects of the medication management.
Staff providing medication support will make sure to:
- Identify the participant
- Note the medication is current, and the label correctly identifies the participant
- Administer oral medication, either from a:
- Dosage administration aid (daa)
- 'Box' medication device filled by a pharmacist, doctor or dentist or Armar Healthcare ’s Director
- Participant’s labelled pharmacy container
- Record the service in the participant’s care plan
- Monitor the participant for any adverse side effects of the medication.
6.1 Safety considerations
The participants are to be observed for any changes to their health status and, where noted, be reported to the Program Coordinator.
Where a participant refuses the administration of medication, the Program Coordinator is to be advised. Relevant health professionals, i.e. doctor, registered or enrolled nurse, will be consulted where necessary.
Support Staff shall not decide to withhold a participant’s medication unless certain about the participant’s health status. Staff must consult with the Armar Healthcare ’s Director before withholding medication and follow the Director's decision, in consultation with relevant health professionals, e.g. doctor, RN or EN.
Medications are to be stored in a manner that maintains the quality of the medicine and safeguards the participant, family and visitors in their home. Armar Healthcare may assist a participant, carer or advocate to obtain and use a locked box, another suitable container, or cupboard.
6.2 Documentation
Support Staff are to record on the Armar Healthcare ’s medication chart or pharmacy generated medication chart, the date and time of medication administration along with their signature and printed name.
Support Staff are to record in the participant's health record any change in the participant’s health status or medication incidents.
6.3 Adverse drug reactions
- Adverse drug reactions must be reported immediately to the Program Coordinator
- The Program Coordinator will inform the general practitioner/nurse immediately and document actions taken in the participant's health record.
- An adverse drug reaction is an incident and must be recorded on a Medication Incident Form and in the participant’s health record, including symptoms and actions taken.
6.4 Medical Errors
Armar Healthcare ’s Staff who detect an error, including an error in dosage, time, frequency or type of medication administered to, or taken by, a participant must:
- Identify the nature of the error
- Notify the Program Coordinator
- Follow the advice from Director
- Complete an incident investigation form
- Monitor the participant for any adverse events that may be caused by the error.
6.5 Support Staff training for medication assistance
All Armar Healthcare ’s Staff involved in assisting or supporting the participants with their medication are trained by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in accordance with Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) standards.. The trainer will take due care and diligence to comply with legislative requirements, i.e. training in first aid, healthy body systems
Armar Healthcare will ensure that all Staff hold current first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) qualifications, so they can correctly respond when monitoring any adverse reactions that require action, intervention and escalation. Support Staff have relevant skills and experience, and a level of competency, to provide appropriate and safe support to a person with a disability.
Armar Healthcare ’s Staff participate in regular supervision by the Program Coordinator to strengthen their understanding of medication procedures and affirm their knowledge and practice.
Armar Healthcare will conduct an annual competency in medication management and administration practices for their support Staff. Details will be recorded in Staff files, where appropriate. Armar Healthcare ’s annual training will include, but will not be limited to, high-risk medication education as outlined below.
6.6 High Risk Medication
Armar Healthcare ’s Staff will be trained and educated on the specific hazards and risks associated with high-risk medications that participants may be consuming.
Armar Healthcare training will incorporate the following topics for their support workers, where necessary for each participant’s individual needs and specified in their care plans:
- PRN psychotropic medications
- Schedule 2 medicine (over the counter pharmacy medicine)
- Schedule 3 medicine (pharmacist only medicines)
- Schedule 4 medicine (prescription only medicines)
- Schedule 8 medicine (controlled drugs)
- Cytotoxic medications.
7.0 Related documents
- Authority to Act as an Advocate Form
- Code of Ethics and Conduct Agreement
- Complaints and Feedback Policy and Procedure
- Complaints and Feedback Form
- Consent Policy and Procedure
- Doctors Medication Order Form
- Incident Investigation Form
- Management of Medication Policy and Procedure
- Medication Incident Form
- Participant Medication Plan and Consent Form
- Participant Service Agreement
- Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement
- Reportable Incident, Accident and Emergency Policy and Procedure
- Risk Assessment Form
- Risk Indemnity Form
- Risk Management Policy and Procedure
- Staff Orientation Checklist
- Service Agreement with Participants Policy and Procedure
- Staff Training Plan
- Training Needs Analysis
8.0 References
- ACIA Administration of Non-Oral and Non-Injectable medications in the Community by Support Staff (2015)
- ACIA Administration of Oral Medications in the Community by Support Staff (2017)
- Australian Pharmaceutical Advisory Committee (APAC) Guidelines July 2006
- NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (2018)
- NDIS Provider and Registration and Practice Standards
- The “Medication Management Framework” (Poisons Regulations 95AA January 2018)
- Twelve (12) Guiding Principles for Medication Management in the Community developed by the Australian Pharmaceutical Advisory Council. (June 2006 updated January 2012)
- Approvals
- Date of approval: [13/01/23]
- Date of review: [13/01/24]
- Signature of management: